The Dripping Blood- this represents the bloodbath that was sure to have taken place at the Cornucopia.
The Light and The Dark Shading- represents the double sided look at the Games. There are good and bad things happening in these first 60 seconds.
The Cornucopia- represents a landmark, somewhere that the tributes now have to point them along their way, in a sense. It becomes the 'north star' of the Games.
The Knife- represents the one that was thrown at Katniss by Foxface and it nearly killed her in these first 60 seconds.
The Canteens- represent water, cleansing, something that is dyer to their situation and is vital for their survival.
The Bird- represents the flight of the tributes as they make decisions that will kill or save them.
The Collage Faces- represent the tributes. In this mess it is almost impossible to distinguish one tribute from another. The characters are also vague at this point so they could have any personality in the world.
The Survival Supplies- represent what is needed to make it in this bloodthirsty Game.