Friday, March 19, 2010

Chapter 26 Question

Develop a prediction for what you think will happen in the next book.


  1. I think both Katniss and Peeta will become more aware of what the capitol is doing. They could start trying to join the districts together in a revolt effort again. However, since Peeta was not pretending to like Katniss: Katniss found out: and she doesns't really like Peeta they will have a harder time interacting to work together. Does anyone know what happens to a tribute after they win? Do they take Haymitch's place and teach new tributes? They could use that as a trick to take the capitol on from the inside.

  2. Ooooo, good points. I don't want to say anything because I have read the sequel, but your comment about the trick to take on the Capitol from the inside would make for a very interesting book. Usually, sequels are not very satisfactory because people can have so many different opinions on what should happen. If there was a trick that "ate up" the Capitol from the inside, the sequel could be very enthralling!

  3. I think that the sequel will hold many more suprises for the winners of the Games. I also believe that Katniss and Peeta will be getting a few visits from the government due to their suicidal decision. I think that their show of affection will not go away and that they will have to continue their relationship. They may have to pay dyer consequences for their decisions.


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