Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Chapter 7 Question

Describe how you would have acted in Katniss's position, when she was being ignored for a roast pig.


  1. If I were in Katniss's position I would have felt many different feelings. I would have felt a little frustrated, but I think I would feel abandoned too. I would feel abandoned because these are the people that are affecting the decision of whether I have a good chance of survival or not (with the help of sponsors). This is my life on the line, and I would feel as if that is a lot more important than a roasted dead carcass. I probably done the same thing though as Katniss when she shot the apple in the pig's mouth due to my frustration replacing my feeling of abandonment.

  2. Would you have been as thoughtless though? Katniss herself admits she might not have a chance now since she sort of attacked the game makers. Would you, personally, have thought more about what you were doing, or just acted?

  3. I do not think I would have acted as rashly as Katniss did. I feel that due to the fact that Katniss and I were raised in completely different circumstances, we would react in opposite ways. I am much more reticent then Katniss, she tends to be quite contentious. I believe, I would have held my tongue out of fear and resistance. I would not give the Gamemakers anything they could use against me. That itself would work against them.

    Katniss's actions were spur of the moment and without thought. I would have slowed down, even in my rage, to analyze the risks. They really are much to great to . I couldn't put my sister in harms way because I wanted to throw a fit. I am surprised Katniss did not show more strength of character and self discipline here. I suppose her patience wore thin after a lifetime of keeping quiet about her true thoughts.


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