Monday, March 1, 2010

Chapter 1 Question

Explain how Katniss's loss of her dad has affected her survival skills and how it may help her in the games.


  1. When Katniss lost her dad it seemed as though(to her) a piece of her had also died. This affected her survival skills in so many ways. When a piece of you dies all you want to do is save the other part of yourself that is still together and alive. I think that that is what will inevitably help her in the games, her will to keep the other part of her alive. I also think that she wants to make her dad proud even though he is gone and in a way, if she won, it would be as though she was avenging her father's death. Her emotions and instincts keep her going during the games, but all of that is rooted to her father. In a way, her father's death probably gave her an advantage because she has more than just her immediate family to fight for.

  2. The skills that Katniss's father taught when she was young will be absolutely vital to her in the arena, but the motivation that she now has because he was so close to her and died is most certainly going to be helpful. I believe what Hannah was saying is very true because Katniss really does have that drive coming into the Games. She really wants to fight against the Capitol for all the people of Panem. She wants the Capitol to pay for all the horrible things that are happening to her community and her father's death is only one of the many things that she believes they should stand accountable for.

  3. I definitely think the skills here Dad taught her before she died will be important to her, especially the bow. She also had to support her family which made her more commanding in making decisions. However, I don’t see Katniss feeling real hatred towards the capital, or her fueled to fight for her father directly. She says she wants to win for her sister. Katniss only joined the game to protect her sister. She might not be feeling as angry at the capital if she did not have to fight at all.


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