Monday, March 15, 2010

Chapter 20 Question

Defend Katniss's decision to drug Peeta to sleep so she can go get the blood poisoning medicine. Besides the obvious reason, why does Katniss need to go this far to show her affection for Peeta and how would this move help her image in the games?


  1. I believe that Katniss made the right decision in the situation of having to drug Peeta or not. Without this fast thinking, Peeta probably would have died. Even though people tell you not to do something, sometimes you need to do it anyway because it is best for that person. Katniss also needs to go this far to show her affection, because not only does she need to convince the Capitol and Districts of her Peeta's undying romance, but she also needs to prove it to herself. She needs to convince herself to the point of being able to act the part of Peeta's loving counterpart. If she believes herself then so will everyone else. This will make it easier on all of the characters affected by their love game.

  2. I agree with Hannah that Katniss made the right choice to drug Peeta. If she had not done so, and waited until Peeta was asleep to sneak out, he might have tried to look for her and gotten hurt or found. This action shows the audience a more thrilling turn of events for them to enjoy, which helps District 12 popularity. This move will also help Katniss’s image, because it shows the sponsors even more that Katniss can be crafty, and is a good candidate to sponsor. This could also hurt her because if she is in love, her devotion to Peeta could blind her to any crucial moment when it’s a choice between winning and leaving Peeta to die.


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