Monday, March 15, 2010

Chapter 16 Question

Analyze Foxface's role in this chapter, and how she reminds readers of the other remaining players.


  1. Foxface really helped Katniss in this chapter. Had Katniss not seen Foxpace hop around the land mines, she might not have figured out how to get rid of the Career's food and she might have gotten hurt trying. Katniss is reminded that the Career's aren't the only threat. Foxface is pretty clever to be thriving off the Career's work.

  2. Foxface had many parts in this story that changed the Games for Katniss. In this chapter Foxface(without realizing it) helped Katniss and may have saved her life. When Foxface jumped around the mines, it gave Katniss the warning that it was dangerous. Foxface may be a really big threat but she unintentionally saved one of her biggest opponents. This is very ironic.


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